Saturday, June 13, 2009

So they say Kapuluan is 1.5 hours from Laoag, and a grueling13 hour drive from Manila by day... think again... it's exciting all the way...

The roads are very good, you can even drive your BM to Ilocos if you want too ;-)

Ilocos is packed with surprises. a mere 50km radius from Kapuluan, you get to see Cape Bojeador and the light house in Burgos, the 20 windmills in Bangui, the Patapat Viaduct, etc ;-) And from Ilocos Sur to Ilocos Norte, every town has a must see ;-)

It's a mix of centuries old and the ultra new structures ;-) Today's tour the guests simply

said Wooooooowwwwwwwwwwww!!! Beauty!!!

Yeah, summer sun still ;-)

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